A-band, 458
A-DNA, 526
A/3 deposits in trisomy, 61
Abciximab, 820
Abetalipoproteinemia, 218, 442
Abnormal Hemoglobins, 666
Abnormalities involving sulfur-containing
amino acids, 354
Abnormalities of gluconeogenesis, 282
ABO blood group system, 166
Abraham Lincoln, 667
Abrin, 223
Abrin, ricin, 585
Absolute temperature, 69
Absorption, 197
water and electrolytes, 222
Absorption and digestion, 208
Absorption of water, 202
Absorption spectra of NAD+ (NADP+)
and NADH (NADPH), 125
Acamprosate, 378
Acanthocytosis, 442
Acarbose, 515
Accelerated receptor degradation, 495
Accelerator, 843
ACE inhibitors, 514
Aceruloplasminemia, 683, 897
Acetal formation, 143
Acetaldehyde, 236
Acetate, 202, 236
Acetic acid (CH3COOH), 4
titration profile, 5
Acetoacetate, 236
activation of, 244
Acetoacetic acid, 7
Acetoaminophen toxicity, 26
Acetone, 236
Acetyl coenzyme A,
s e e
Acetyl-CoA, 235, 280
conversion to HMG-CoA, 415
source and transport of, 384
Acetyl-CoA synthase, 366
Acetylcholine, 98, 714
synthesis of, 235
Acetylcholinesterase, 98, 100
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, 62
IV-acetylcysteine, 26, 222
N-acetylgalactosamine, 185
N-acetylglucosamine, 185, 193, 194
N-acetylglutamate (NAG), 341
N-acetylmuramic acid, 193
N-acetylneuraminic acid, 153
Acetylsalicylate (aspirin), 393
Acetyltransferase, 187
Achlorhydria, 676
Acid maltase, 478
Acid-base balance
control of, 275
disorders, 935
Acid-base metabolic switch, 511
Acid-base properties of amino acids, 27
Acid-base regulation, 339
Acid-citrate-dextrose, 655
Acidemia, 16, 368
Acidic amino acids, 23
Acidosis, 297
Aciduras, 368
Acinar cells, 201
Acinus, 201
Aconitase, 241
Aconitate dehydratase, 242
Acquired cell-mediated immunity
involves, 820
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS), 612
Acridines, 553
Acridinium ester, 131
Acrodermatitis enteropathica, 899
Acromegaly, 512, 741
ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone),
505, 508,714, 743, 753
ACTH secretion
regulation, 744
Actin, 164, 331,453,478, 482
filaments, 453
F-actin, 164
G-actin, 164
Actin-cross-linking proteins, 480
a-actinin, 480
a-actins, 458
Actinomycin D, 567, 568, 569
Actions of GH, 738
Activated clotting time, 866
Activated partial, 865
Activated partial thromboplastin time
(APTT), 864
Activated protein C resistance, 858, 870
Activated T lymphocytes, 721
Activation complexes, 852
Activation energy (
a), 76
Activation of contraction, 466
Activation of factor IX by factor Vila,
Activation of factor IX by factor XIa, 856
Activation of factor VII, 854
Activation of factor X, 856
Activation of factor X by factor Vll(VIIa),
Activation of prothrombin, 853
Active site, 86
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